Hi! I'm John, and I'd first like to thank my Mother, and Jurassic Park 3.
In an attempt to shield my young eyes from the violence, she would take a magnet to our VHS tape and erase all the scenes that were deemed too gruesome. In other words, she was editing them out of the film, but also planting a seed.*
Fast forward 20 years, many self-directed YouTube videos, and an accidental education in Avant Garde Film later, and I can't get enough of clicking in the missing puzzle pieces of an edit. It could be stealing an unintened look for a reaction, restructuring an entire film, or pulling a sneaky splitscreen; I've fallen in love with turning "unsolvable" problems into editorial magic.
Some of my favorite films are City of God, Punch Drunk Love, and District 9. I love a hard hike, I can bake some mean sourdough, and my cat's name is Tofu. Feel free to check out some of my work, and give me a shout if you want to talk about anything at all.
An old friend.
*Other family members allowed me watch the DVD version of JP3, foiling my mother's plans.